Health & Safety
The FEFCO Health & Safety Committee is working on a set of practical advices for machines and good practices to improve safety in the corrugated industry. The group is also collecting safety statistics and exchanging information on accidents. A list of EU health & safety legislation is available here. The other documents are available in the members only section.
Safety Statistics
The FEFCO Health & Safety Committee organises the safety data collection at European level. The data are collected once a year on a voluntary basis following the definitions agreed by the Committee.
The goal of the safety statistic is to provide an overview for member companies to benchmark internally their performance with the average for the European corrugated indusry and to encourage improvements. The data received by members are anonymised and used without any validation by FEFCO or a third party.
The Committee shares the FEFCO safey overview with all FEFCO members. The companies receiving the safety overview should not communicate it externally in any form or use it for publications and advertisement.
Machine Safety
The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC is one of the main legislations governing the harmonisation of essential health and safety requirements for machinery at EU level. The suppliers have to ensure that the machines put on market are safe; the corrugated manufacturer need to ensure that they run safely.
The FEFCO Health & Safety Committee prepares practical advices to explain the steps related to machine safety and to support with the implementation.
Good practices
Health & Safety is a high priority for the corrugated industry. Companies are organising actions at national level or individually to improve the workplace safety. Sharing information about existing practices is very helpful for all companies.
The FEFCO Health & Safety Committee developed several good practices based on the experience of its members: