Circular Choices - cross sectoral coalition
EPRC - EuRIC joins to achieve European Green Deal targets
EPRC - Collection and recycling of used paper more important than ever in times of health crisis
CITPA - Cross border transport of raw materials, goods and packaging should continue
EPRC - The Winners of the 7th Edition of the European Paper Recycling Awards!
Industry4Europe - A long term strategy for Europe's Industrial future
FEFCO takes on EPRC chairmanship
Industry4Europe - Make industry priority for EU policy makers
COF - Impact of packaging on consumer behaviour
CPI introduces CFQ for UK`s fresh produce industry
CEPI - One step closer towards a truly Circular Economy in and for Europe
Germany - Corrugated packaging hygienic solution for home delivery (in German)
UK CPI - Corrugated Packaging supplies hygienic case for food
ERPC - Paper Recycling Chain exceeds its voluntary commitment
Netherlands CBA - Fruit langer vers en gezonder in verpakking van golfkarton
USA/FBA - FEFCO/Bologna University Study
Germany - Retailers stop using plastic carrier bags
France - Press conference CFQ launch (in French)
Germany - Press release on comparison of packaging materials performance (in English)
Austria - Seminar: Sustainable packaging to reduce food waste (in Austrian)
France - National Council of Packaging on environmental aspect of packaging (in French)
Germany - Press release corrugated for the Minions with Amazon (in German)
Italy - News page (in Italian)
Poland - News page (in Polish)
Spain - News, events and publications page (in Spanish)
UK - Press release Health and safety conference June 2015